What is the best treatment for dengue fever?
A mosquito bite is powerful enough to give you the unwanted gift of dengue and make you sick for days.
Once you have been diagnosed with dengue, you should start looking for the best possible treatment. In the case of mild dengue, consultation and medication are suggested. If symptoms get worse, you may need hospitalization. In India, dengue cases are increasing every year.
Data estimated by the ECDC showed that around 60,112 dengue cases were reported in India in 2021.
This flu-like illness can affect babies, children, and adults. Dengue virus [DENV] is responsible for dengue. Most DENV infections produce only mild symptoms. However, they can also develop into life-threatening complications, called severe dengue.
Therefore, the best treatment for dengue fever usually depends on the severity of your symptoms.
Treatment when you have mild dengue symptoms:
Mild dengue symptoms can take up to seven days to appear after being bitten by a mosquito. Also, these symptoms can often be mistaken for other illnesses that cause fever or muscle pain.
You can ignore the symptoms at first or take them lightly. However, detecting these symptoms early is useful to receive timely treatment. You should see your doctor if you have fever or dengue symptoms.
Symptoms of mild dengue can include:
- High fever
- swollen lymph
- Intense headache
- Severe pain in the muscles and joints
- Rash (those that appear 2 to 5 days after fever)
Based on these symptoms, your doctor may prescribe antipyretics and pain relievers to control the symptoms of muscle pain. Supportive care is usually needed to treat mild dengue symptoms. In this case, home care is generally recommended. You are advised to:
Drink lots of fluids.
Since dengue patients are susceptible to dehydration, it is important to stay hydrated. Drink more plain water, unsweetened fruit juices, or nutritious soups to keep your body hydrated.
Home remedies to follow
Home remedies are considered to be a powerful way to treat dengue. These home remedies are helpful if you have mild dengue symptoms.
- Tulsi [Holy Basil]: Tulsi is a powerful ingredient to boost your immunity. Boil this miracle herb with black pepper in water to boost your immunity and fight infection.
- Neem leaves [Azadirachta Indica]: Neem leaves are helpful in increasing the number of platelets in the blood.
- Papaya leaves [Carica]: It is also considered an ideal home remedy to treat dengue. These leaves are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants and can help increase your platelet count.
- Methi [Fenugreek] Leaves: Methi leaves are helpful in reducing high blood pressure and decreasing muscle pain.
Treatment of severe dengue:
Dengue fever can become a life-threatening emergency if symptoms are severe. At this stage, the fever drops below 38 ° C and warning signs appear. This is called severe dengue fever because it is a life-threatening complication, as your platelet count may start to drop. In addition, internal bleeding or organ damage can also occur.
So the first thing you can do is watch out for the signs and symptoms of severe dengue. Warning signs usually begin within 24 to 48 hours after the fever is gone. Therefore, immediate medical attention is needed if you have any of the following dengue symptoms:
- Severe abdominal pain
- Stomach ache
- Bleeding from the nose or gums
- Blood in vomit or stool.
Therefore, if a patient recognizes any of these symptoms, close monitoring is required in the hospital for the next 24 to 48 hours.
Tests to diagnose dengue:
Virological test: this type of test makes it possible to distinguish the elements of the virus. The virus can be detected by analyzing the protein produced by the virus.
Serological test: the test determines the antibodies in the blood to confirm a past or recent infection.
Based on the results of these dengue tests, a doctor can begin treatment. Treatment options that are generally followed for severe dengue symptoms are:
Fever medications and pain relievers are usually given to reduce dengue symptoms. These medications can help lower fever and relieve pain.
Transfusion to replace blood loss.
A dengue patient may require a platelet transfusion if his platelet count is less than 10,000. The platelet count in a typical person is between 150,000 and 250,000 per microliter of blood.
It is estimated that about 10–20% of dengue patients with severe symptoms have extremely low platelet counts, especially below 20,000. In this case, they are likely to receive a platelet transfusion.
In addition, treatment can also include fluid therapy, since dehydration often occurs in patients with dengue.
In addition to these treatment options, dengue prevention is vital to reducing your chances of contracting dengue again.
Dengue prevention
To protect yourself from dengue, you must avoid mosquito bites. To avoid mosquito bites, there are several methods you can use.
Less Skin Exposure: Wear long pants and shirts to cover the skin to reduce the risk of bites. Always go outside after wearing full clothing to avoid mosquito bites.
Personal hygiene: Take care of your personal hygiene when you are infected with a virus, as you are more likely to contract other diseases. Always have hand sanitizer to keep germs away.
Disinfect standing water: Aedes mosquitoes, which transmit dengue fever, prefer to breed in clean, standing water. Keep the water covered at all times. Also, use an appropriate disinfectant if necessary.
Get the treatment from the best hospitals in Patiala for the best care and needs of patients.
Contact your doctor today and lead a healthy lifestyle.